
Welcome to Vortex Mod Manager, accessible at https://vortexmodmanager.net/. Please read this disclaimer carefully before using our website, services, or any information provided through it.

1. Not an Official Site

Vortex Mod Manager is not the official website for the Vortex Mod software or any related products. Our website is independently operated and has no official affiliation with the developers or the official brand of the Vortex Mod Manager software. The use of the name and any related materials on our site is for informational and educational purposes only.

2. Source Files and Mirrors

Our website provides source files or mirrored files directly from their official, authentic sources without any modification. We aim to serve as a repository, making these files easily accessible to users. However, we do not claim ownership, authorship, or proprietary rights over these files.

3. Liability and System Damage

Vortex Mod Manager disclaims all responsibility for any damage, loss, or harm to your system or data resulting from the download, installation, or use of files obtained from our website. Users should proceed with caution and understand that they do so at their own risk. We strongly recommend verifying the compatibility and safety of all downloads with your system’s specifications.

4. Purpose of the Site

The creation of Vortex Mod Manager is for resource and educational purposes only. Our goal is to support and enhance the community’s access to modding resources, providing a platform for learning, sharing, and development within the modding community. This site is not intended for commercial use or to infringe upon the rights of the software developers or any third parties.

5. Copyright and Ownership

Vortex Mod Manager does not hold any copyright over the software or any files made available through our platform. All rights to the software and related materials belong to their respective copyright owners. We respect the hard work and dedication of developers and contributors to the community.

6. DMCA and Content Removal

We respect the intellectual property rights of others and are committed to responding appropriately to DMCA complaints. If you are a copyright holder or represent one and believe that any content on our site infringes upon your copyrights, please contact us with a formal DMCA complaint. Upon verification, we will promptly remove the contested content from our website.

Contact Us

For any questions, concerns, or notifications of DMCA infringement, please contact us through our website. We are dedicated to cooperating with the community and ensuring that Vortex Mod Manager remains a valuable and compliant resource for all users.